Shreeya Merchia

The creative behind the camera

I'm Shreeya, but you can call me your next freelancer.

I’m an eighteen-year-old creative specializing in photography, videography, design, and marketing. I’m growing up in Cupertino, California, and operating throughout the southern Bay Area. I just graduated from The Harker School, and am attending UC Santa Barbara in the fall.

As the youngest of four siblings, I’ve been immersed in the world of business since before I knew multiplication. As I listened to years of dinner table discussions about my family’s professional endeavors, my appetite for pursuing my own passions only grew.

The first digital camera I ever had was a hot pink Canon PowerShot A2300 for my 5th-grade science camp. I fell in love with photography from that moment onwards, and now proudly handle a Nikon D7500.

I began video production by editing student council YouTube content of failed attempts at downing spicy instant noodles and bad parodies of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe”; despite how bizarre it was, I loved creating this content. More than that, I loved seeing the smiles on my classmates' face when they watched my work. I built upon these skills in Final Cut Pro X and Motion to now create professional advertisements and recap videos using kinetic typography and 2D/3D animation.

Outside of my work within SM Productions, I’ve sung before I could talk and danced before I could walk. I’ve been songwriting since the third grade and find peace in afternoons with my guitars, ukuleles, and prized songwriting notebook. I found my passion for dance through Bollywood, Hip-hop, and teaching dance to toddlers at Mona Khan Company.

Everything I do, I do with love; I strive to spark passion among those who I work with. Above all, I would LOVE to work with you and help your future shine brighter than my camera’s flash.